Kaci FAQ Account and Data

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Account and Data

Can I change my personal details?

You can update your profile with Kaci; whether it is to change your profile name, your phone number or your emergency contact, you can do all that within Kaci.

How do I log out of my account?

You can simply go to settings and log out of your account on the app. If you are using the WhatsApp chat bot, you can simply delete the chat history with Kaci and block the chatbot. However, you will not have access to the services and benefits of Kaci while you are logged out.


How do I set up dependants on Kaci App?

After downloading the Mobile App and registering, simply click on the dependants part under the profile to add dependants. You must add at least two dependants.

Can I open more than one account on Kaci?

We expect that every user opens one account each.


What is the Kaci Security Number (KSN)?

This is 10 digits that is generated ONCE and ONLY after user has completely filled the profile details via edit profile and added the 2 dependants. Then the ID will be generated to show on user profile in app and in admin panel. E.G., 1000006712.

What is Kaci reference number?

Reference Numbers, general reference numbers will be auto generated for each module with KH, first and last letters of each module with 10 digits numbers.

Can I share my Kaciactivity results with third party?

Yes. You can share your search results with third party so far it does not violate Kaci user terms and conditions.

Can I share my security / reference number with a family member?

For your own privacy and safety, it is advisable you do not share your reference or security number with anyone.

Can I change the language of Kaci App?

Yes, Kaci is available in 9 different languages namely English, Arabic, French, Chinese, Igbo, Hausa, Portuguese, Yoruba and Pidgin.

How do I turn off notifications from Kaci?

Kaci notifications can be turned off with the settings of your mobile device on the list of apps with notifications or on WhatsApp.

Can my account be terminated any time?

If your account violates our terms of use, we can choose to terminate it at any time.

How do I get alerts of trending stories and news?

To get alerts kindly subscribe and register on the Kaci platform so you can be notified.

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